Hey...That thing you did...It sucked.

I found out yesterday that a couple I thought we were close to had something 'off' to say about us (my husband and I), and they didn't bother saying anything to us, but rather to our mutual friends, which I find incredibly cowardly and immature. It wasn't specific, which I think is what's throwing me...If I don't know what the problem is, how can I fix it? Or maybe they don't want it fixed and they just want us to go away. Either way, at this point I'm done. I left high school when I graduated, you know...14 years ago.

So this begs the question: Why is it so hard for people to tell their friends when they've done something wrong/questionable/irritating?

I have a condition I call HTE "honesty to the extreme". My husband dare not ask me if I think he's lost or gained weight, what I think of his new haircut, or a new striped shirt, unless of course he's feeling lucky. If I'm to be friends with someone, well, first of all, it shouldn't be this hard. Or dramatic. But I expect my friends of all people to tell me when I screw up, especially with them. Family sometimes, strangers can be harsh or indifferent, but friends are supposed to be there and call you out. It's part of what makes them friends.

I don't want to go on about these people who obviously don't want to be a part of my life anymore. I can live with that. I just don't get why they didn't tell me.


  1. Dude. People suck. That's all there is to it. One of the crappy lessons that I seem to keep learning in life is that those who you think are your friends often aren't. I'm honest too, most of the time I'm probably too honest. That's why so many people are scared of me...I don't sugarcoat anything. Truth. Word. Peace out, yo. ;)

  2. You don't scare me. =P Well...maybe a little. =D


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